This month marks the one year anniversary of the opening for the Rusted Jade Art Collective. This is a showplace for artists which they can utilize in a variety of ways; as an art gallery, an education center, or an art shop. Now, the Rusted Jade, located at 1142 W. Jefferson St. in Brooksville, is celebrating its first birthday by hosting a public art show! This show is open to submissions from area artists. The art show and a new art space will debut between 5-6 pm on Saturday, August 20, at the Rusted Jade’s One Year Birthday Bash. Food and music will be featured at the bash, which is free and open to the public.
“We are expanding our space to dedicate all workshops, art shows, art social events, and a space for artists to come together to network and create in!” said Max Grey, co-owner and artist of Rusted Jade Art Collective with Lenny Grey. “We will be unveiling the new space along with an art show titled Interpretation Trepidation.
Interpretation Trepidation is a non-juried art show with works to be displayed for about nine weeks during regular business hours at the Rusted Jade. Artists are free to post their work for sale for the duration of the show as well.
The show’s theme is intended as a unique artistic challenge for participating creatives. “This theme is meant to be all about interpreting fear,” Grey explained. “This theme is meant for the artist to select or create specific art pieces that may have some level of fear associated with it. Perhaps the artist is fearful of how a viewer may react to their art, or perhaps the art itself has a fear based meaning. However an artist understands this theme is welcome! We want artists to think critically and create without boundaries or censorship.”
Artists who wish to participate in the Interpretation Trepidation show can fill out an entry form at Artists should indicate how many pieces of art they would like to submit, as well as the size, if they are wall hangings, if they need shelving/table display space, a description of what they would like to submit, and a link to the artist’s portfolio/website. The Rusted Jade Art Collective is requesting artists email samples of artwork directly to them. If they do not have any work available online via a website/social media account, then please make sure to include the artist’s name, age, and contact info in the email as well. The art show is intended to be an open ended, flexibly conceived program that is entirely what the artist makes out of it. Works that are controversial, emotionally charged, or open to interpretation from the artist or viewer are welcome. Email [email protected] for more details. Artists will be notified of their acceptance via email, and all art pieces must be finalized and ready to be hung or displayed one week prior to the show.
“This is the premise of our space. A social club where art speaks,” said Grey. “Making art a social experience, and giving artists an inclusive space to voice their work.” Grey emphasizes that both the show and the renovation project continue to accentuate the Rusted Jade’s mission to “mark the ordinary, extraordinary.”
“We really want to emphasize the art social club aspect. Creating together in an inclusive safe place where artists can grow from being around one another, and where we can have fun doing it amongst the entirety of the community,” stated Grey. “We have noticed since we opened, that every walk of life has enjoyed our space and has taken something away with them; whether it was the experience of just being in the shop, or making connections with the art or artists, or becoming part of the collective, there was a coming together that felt very sacred. Even if someone isn’t an artist, we want it to be a place they can come to explore their inner creativity and maybe delve into being an artist or an art observer. For people of all ages and backgrounds!”