Teacher Guide Jan. 17- 23, 2025

Teachers and homeschool parents, please share this with your students. Using this guide will make your subjects more relevant and interesting to your pupils and will encourage creative thought. If you or your students have any suggestions or ideas for these teacher guides, please email Sarah Nachin – [email protected]

This guide is based on the newest Florida Standards for grade school through high school.

Activities and Questions based on the Jan. 17, 2025 – Jan. 23, 2025 issue

Geography Activity for High School: (SS.912.G.2) Understand physical and cultural characteristics of places.
Read the article on pgs. B-1 and B-8 entitled “Braving the Cold.” Then write an essay of at least 450 words explaining the relationship between the arctic climate and the people who live an visit there. Use at least two outside sources and cite the details of those sources (where you found them, dates of the articles and title of the articles).

Psychology Activity for High School: (SS.912.P.6.23) Describe cognitive changes in adulthood and aging.
Read the article on pg. B-4and B-5 about Academia Hernando. Then write an essay of at least 400 words describing the typical cognitive changes that take place between the ages of 50 and 80. Use at least one outside source and cite the details of that source (where you found it, date of the article and title of the article).

Creative Writing Activity for Middle School: (ELA.6.C.1.2) Write personal or fictional narratives using narrative techniques, precise words and phrases, and figurative language.
Read the article on pg. B-1 and B-4 about Ken Landis. Imagine that it’s the future (maybe the year 2102) and you’re celebrating your 100th birthday. Tell about your life over the past 100 years. How is life different in the year 2102 than it is today? What changes have you seen? For example, perhaps rich people are taking vacations to the moon or scientists have found a cure for cancer. Explain how these changes have affected your life. Your story should be at least 350 words.
Extra Credit Activity: Write an essay about a famous person who has lived to be 100. Tell about their growing up years, what they accomplished and how their accomplishments changed the world. A good example would be Jimmy Carter who died just a few weeks ago. Your essay should be at least 350 words.

Composition Activity for Elementary School: (ELA.10.C.3.1) Follow the rules of standard English grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling appropriate to grade level.)
Read the article on pg. B-3 about the Book event. Then write an essay of at least 275 words telling about your favorite book. Be sure and mention the title, author, a one or two sentence on what the book is about and why you like it.

Comprehension Activity for Elementary School (ELA.K12.EE.3.1) Make inferences to support comprehension.
Read the article on pg. A-1 and A-4 about the new director of Animal Services. Answer the following questions in complete sentences and quote the passage from the article to support your answer.
1, Why did Ms. Moloney accept the job as new director for Animal Services?
2. How did she prepare for her new job?
3. Why do you think they are offering a chance for the animals in the shelter to have “staycations?”
4. How is Ms. Moloney planning to enrich the lives of the animals in the shelter?
5. How is the new computer software going to help the animal shelter?

If you wish to submit any of your compositions from this week to the newspaper for us to consider publishing, please email to [email protected]. Be sure and include your name, age, grade level and school that you attend.