Last Saturday, June 24th, my wife and I decided to do something a bit different. We went down to the Airport Flea Market to see if anything would get our attention. I mentioned to her that since I had not come across anything inspiring for my article, I may just get lucky and meet some interesting people. This was an understatement! As we started on the southwest corner of the complex and worked our way around to the outside front vendor booths, a bit of reality set upon us.
First, there were only a few people (or shoppers) on the grounds this day. And second, it was quickly getting uncomfortably hot. This last statement was probably part of the reason for what was mentioned in the prior statement. We eventually ended up heading for the closed building corridor on the southeast area of the property. We didn’t stop very long at any one booth (with exceptions for the ones that had large fans close by). As we got to the part of the enclosed building where the next perpendicular walkway joined, there was a booth that got not only my attention (and some of my money) but also got my creative writing “juices” stirred up. The booth was called “Trump Station,” and if a person was looking for a place to get bumper stickers, magnetic refrigerator art, (or practically anything else relating to former Pres. Donald J. Trump), they would not have to look any further than the booth at vendor spot # B-84!
As we sifted through and browsed amongst the many assorted items for sale (and some just for display), I could not help to eavesdrop on a conversation taking place just outside of the rented booth. What really caught my attention was that a man and his female companion were sharing their thoughts with one of the booth’s workers. The man was taller than most of the people in that area, and what really got my interest was that he was speaking with a very noticeable British accent. He mentioned that most people of the conservative lifestyle “across the pond” reason that what is going on in this nation, with regards to the past elections and the quite noticeable “puppet” in our highest office, stinks from the very prevalent corruption in these United States of America.
Once I injected my presence into the conversation, I learned the gentleman that was visiting his female friend was from England, and he enjoys speaking with those people that want to see the country go back to a way that resembles days past (as viewed by those from where he resided). That view of our country from ‘someone on the outside looking in” just brought home the reality that our land is so messed up that we are being looked at, then laughed at by a great number of folks across this planet of ours. I mentioned that I wrote articles in this conservative paper and asked If I could get a picture of him and his lady friend. Upon hearing this info, his friend quickly opted out. He, however, said that he would not mind me getting his picture, but as he was receiving subtle gestures from this friend, he decided not to share his name.
As I was getting the shot of the British man, two booth workers and my wife came over to see what was going on. Those two workers of booth #B-84 were very smart in their knowledge of current affairs, and I mentioned to them that it was nice to see people taking a stand against the tyrannical mobsters that call themselves politicians. Both men (Mr. Ron Palmer and Mr. Dave McDonald) were along in their years and could have sat comfortably in their air-conditioned homes. And I’m sure that they endured many other similar days with similar conditions.
As we were leaving the flea market property, it occurred to me that as we happened to be at that place at a certain time, and the two workers were positioned there as well, it was just the ‘right’ place to be!