Your world, at this moment, is a limitless horizon. It is time to chase dreams. It is time to harness passions and pursue them with all your might. Do what you love, and you will never work a day.
You will never have fewer obligations, fewer liabilities, fewer burdens. The time is now to make your path instead of following one.
Search your hearts for what you want to make of your life and go make it happen. There will be obstacles and competing desires. Don’t allow them to stop you. Don’t allow them to derail the path you have chosen for yourself.
Allow the bumps in your path to shape you. Learn from them. Let them tweak your path. But don’t let up. Don’t give up. You need to chase your dreams, they won’t chase you. Don’t leave them behind.
Forging your dreams into reality will be difficult at times. The only real failure is giving up. If you do what you love, you will never work a day, yet can leave you rich beyond measure.
-Seth Sjostrom